How To Save Electricity

As energy prices continue to rise, many people are looking for ways how to save electricity and reduce bills. Fortunately, there are many simple and effective steps you can take to reduce your energy usage and cut your monthly costs. In this article, we will discuss a range of tips and tricks for saving electricity,…

Net Metering

Net metering is a billing arrangement that allows homeowners, businesses, and other organizations to generate their electricity using solar panels or other renewable energy sources and feed excess power back into the grid. In return, they receive credits on their electricity bill for the excess electricity they generate. Under a net metering arrangement, the utility…

Hesco Bill Estimator

Electricity bills can often be a source of confusion and stress for many households and businesses. HESCO (Hyderabad Electric Supply Company), is responsible for providing electricity in the Hyderabad region of Pakistan. We are providing a Hesco bill calculator to help its consumers estimate their electricity costs. This tool is essential for budgeting and understanding…

Peak & Off-Peak Timings

Peak and Off-Peak Timings Navigating the nuances of electricity schedules isn’t just about flipping switches; it’s about financial strategy. Dive into the world of Pakistan’s electricity timings to harness the power and save your Mepco online bill alike. Season Peak Timing Off-Peak Timing Dec to Feb 5 PM to 9 PM Remaining 20 hours Mar…

Electric Unit Price in Pakistan

Electric unit price in Pakistan are a hot topic these days, sparking conversations in homes and businesses alike. As we navigate through 2024, the cost of electricity has become a crucial factor in our daily lives, impacting everything from household budgets to business operations. Whether you’re a homeowner trying to keep your monthly bills in…

Safety Measures to Prevent Electrical Accidents-IESCO Advisory

Rainy weather can bring relief from the heat, but it also brings potential electrical hazards. To ensure the Safety Measures to Prevent Electrical Accidents of your household, it’s vital to take precautions before the rain starts pouring. The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (Iesco) advisory recommends the following steps to avoid mishaps caused by electricity during…

Hike in Tariff of Electricity Again to Fulfill IMF Deal in Pakistan

Introduction In a significant development, the government of Pakistan has recently announced a hike in electricity tariff again by 5.75 Rupees to fulfill the conditions set forth in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) deal. This decision has sparked debates and discussions across the nation as citizens brace themselves for the impact on their daily lives…